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Triangular Elements for Reissuer-Mindlin Plate
Chen Shaochun, Shi Dongyang
1997, 18(3): 247-253.
Abstract(7898) PDF(598)
Second Order Approximation Solution of Nonlinear Large Deflection Problem of Yongjiang Railway Bridge in Ningbo
CHIEN Wei-zang
2002, 23(5): 441-451.
Abstract(7353) PDF(4157)
Diffusion in the Micro-Channel Flow Driven by Electroosmosis
ZHANG Kai, LIN Jian-zhong, LI Zhi-hua
2006, 27(5): 512-518.
Abstract(5547) PDF(635)
Algorithm for the Inverse of a General Tridiagonai Matrix
RAN Rui-sheng, HUANG Ting-zhu, LIU Xing-ping, GU Tong-xiang
2009, 30(2): 238-244.
Abstract(5272) PDF(2430)
Supercritical as Well as Subcritical Hopf Bifurcation in Nonlinear Flutter Systems
CHEN Yan-mao, LIU Ji-ke
2008, 29(2): 181-187.
Abstract(5105) PDF(824)
The Extended Jordan’s Lemma and the Relation between Laplace Transform and Fourier Transform
Wei Zhiyong, Zhu Yongtai
1997, 18(6): 531-534.
Abstract(5057) PDF(862)
The Expliclt solution of the Matrix Equation AX-XB=C──To the memory of Prof
Chen Yuming, Xiao Heng
1995, 16(12): 1051-1059.
Abstract(4925) PDF(815)
A Modified Roe Scheme and Stability Analysis
HU Lijun, ZHAO Kunlei
2020, 41(10): 1110-1124. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.400388
Abstract(4811) HTML (427) PDF(349)
Large Deformation of Circular Membrane Under the Concentrated Force
CHEN Shan-lin, ZHENG Zhou-lian
2003, 24(1): 25-28.
Abstract(4751) PDF(873)
Analytic Expression of Magnetic Field Distribution of Rectangular Permanent Magnets
GOU Xiao-fan, YANG Yong, ZHENG Xiao-jing
2004, 25(3): 271-278.
Abstract(4599) PDF(2789)
Comparison of Two Methods in Satellite Formation Flying
GAO Yun-feng, BAOYIN He-xi, LI Jun-feng
2003, 24(8): 799-804.
Abstract(4462) PDF(981)
Identification and Parameter Estimation for Classical SIR Model
HE Yan-hui, TANG San-yi
2013, 34(3): 252-258. doi: 10.3879/j.issn.1000-0887.2013.03.005
Abstract(4396) PDF(2546)
Growth and Dynamics of Convection Patterns With Horizontal Flow
NING Lizhong, NING Bibo, HU Biao, TIAN Weili
2020, 41(10): 1146-1156. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.410104
Abstract(4360) HTML (379) PDF(345)
Study on Velocity Distribution of Flow With Submerged Flexible Vegetations Based on Mixing-Length Approach
HUAI Wen-xin, HAN Jie, ZENG Yu-hong, AN Xiang, QIAN Zhong-dong
2009, 30(3): 325-332.
Abstract(4322) PDF(798)
Power-Law Fluid Droplet Dynamic Behaviors in T-Junction Micro-Channels With the Lattice Boltzmann Method
HUANG Yifan, LOU Qin
2020, 41(10): 1125-1145. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.400341
Abstract(4265) HTML (275) PDF(356)
Numerical Simulation of 2D Fiber-Reinforced Composites Using Boundary Element Method
KONG Fan-zhong, ZHENG Xiao-ping, YAO Zhen-han
2005, 26(11): 1373-1379.
Abstract(4263) PDF(669)
Unsteady/Steady Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on Artificial Compressibility
WEN Gong-bi, CHEN Zuo-bin
2004, 25(1): 53-66.
Abstract(4249) PDF(981)
Eigen Theory of Viscoelastic Dynamics Based on theKelvin-Voigt Model
GUO Shao-hua
2004, 25(7): 723-728.
Abstract(4246) PDF(1010)
Vibrating-Uplift Rocking Motion of Caisson Breakwaters Under Various Breaking Wave Impact Forces
WANG Yuan-zhan, ZHOU Zhi-rong, YANG Hai-dong
2005, 26(5): 534-540.
Abstract(4055) PDF(607)
Further Study of the Equivalent Theorem of Hellinger- Reissner and Hu-Washizu Variational Principles
He Jihuan
1999, 20(5): 515-524.
Abstract(4041) PDF(832)
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