About Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

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1.General information of the Journal

English Title: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

Chinese Pinyin: Yingyong Shuxue He Lixue

Sponsored by: Chongqing Jiaotong University

Published by: the Editorial Office of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

ISSN: 1000-0887

CN: 50-1060/O3

International Code: M295

Domestic Code: 78-21

Founder: CHIEN Weizang

Editor-in-Chief: LU Tianjian

Vice Editors-in-Chief: DENG Zichen, JIN Dongping, WANG Jizeng, LIU Zhanfang,WU Chuijie, SONG Qiankun


Address: P.O. Box 90, Chongqing Jiaotong University, No.66 Xuefu Road, Nan'an District, Chongqing, 400074, P.R.China

Email: [email protected][email protected][email protected]

Tel: 86 23 62652450; 86 23 62652611

Website: http://www.applmathmech.cn

2.Introduction to the Journal

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics was founded in 1980 by CHIEN Wei-zang, a celebrated Chinese scientist in mechanics and mathematics. The current editor in chief is Professor LU Tianjian from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The Journal was a quarterly in the beginning, a bimonthly the next year, and then a monthly ever since 1985. It carries original research papers on mechanics, mathematical methods in mechanics and interdisciplinary mechanics based on artificial intelligence mathematics. It also strengthens attention to mechanical issues in interdisciplinary fields such as mechanics and information networks, system control, life sciences, ecological sciences, new energy, and new materials, making due contributions to promoting the development of new productive forces.

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics is a monthly journal of substantial academic strength at home and abroad, published by the Editorial Office of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, under the sponsorship of Chongqing Jiaotong University, and domestically issued by Chongqing Newspaper Publishing Agency and internationally by China International Book Trading Corporation; it is intended for researchers, engineers, students and concerned scholars in fields of mechanics, applied mathematics and related interdisciplines.

The Journal accepts contributions recommended by members of the Journal Editorial Board and welcomes non-recommended contributions as well. A recommended contribution shall bear a recommender-signed letter for the Editor-in-Chief’s review; upon its publication, the recommender’s name shall be placed under the paper title. Non-recommended contributions will go to editor review for formal examination, among which the qualified will be sent to peer review for academic advice, and the Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision on publication.

The Journal has been selected by such index systems as Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), Chinese Scientific and Technical Source Journal, Netherlands Elsevier SCOPUS, U. S. Mathematics Reviews(MR), Japan Science and Technology Literature Nowcasts (CBST), Chinese Science Abstracts(CSAC), Chinese Mechanics Abstracts and other abstracting/indexing databases. It is one of the Chinese Core Journals selected by Beijing University, Journal of Double-effect Matrix by GAPP, etc., and has also been titled China College Quality Periodical, Double Top 10 Periodical of Chongqing City, and CAJ-CD Standard Periodical. 

3. Introduction to CHIEN Wei-zang, founder of the Journal

CHIEN Wei-zang, a renowned scientist in mechanics and mathematics, educationist and community leader, was born on October 9, 1912, in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China. He graduated from Tsinghua University under Professor WU You-xun in 1935 and received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Toronto University in Canada under Professor J. L. Synge in 1942. He once worked as an intern researcher at the National Central Research Institute in Tsinghua University and a research associate in Jet Propulsion Laboratory of CalTech. In 1945, he returned to China, first served as a professor with Tsinghua University, Peking University and Yanjing University, then as the Dean of Studies and Vice President of Tsinghua University, Vice Director of the Institute of Mechanics under Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS), Director of the Institute of Automation of CAS, and a member of Standing Committee for almost all national scientific societies in China. Since 1983 he held the post of President of Shanghai University of Technology (now Shanghai University) after the merger of 4 institutions of higher learning. He was selected as an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1954 and a foreign academician of Polish Academy of Sciences in 1956.

He was one of the founders of IMCAS and Deputy Director of IMCAS, and the founder of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics and Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. He was the Editor-in-Chief of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics from 1980 to 2002; since 2003, he was the Honorary Editor-in-Chief of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. He also served on the Editorial Boards of International Journal of Engineering Science (USA), Advances in Applied Mechanics (USA), Journal of Thin-walled Structure (Holland) and Journal of Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. He had been Vice Chairman of the National Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference since 1987.

As an outstanding scientist in applied mathematics, mechanics, physics, engineering science and Chinese language informatics, he is generally acknowledged as one of the few pioneers and founders of modern mechanics undertakings in China. His major research fields cover intrinsic theory of plates and shells, analysis of large deflection of thin plates and shells, analysis of corrugated pipes, mechanics of armour penetration, singular perturbation methods, generalized variation principles, finite element methods as well as measurement of atmospheric electricity, spectral analysis of rare-earth elements, wave guide theory, lubrication theory, high-energy batteries, Chien’s macro-coding of Chinese characters and so on. Of these works, the one in cooperation with Prof. J L Synge on the intrinsic theory of plates and shells was viewed as a pioneering classical work.

For the purpose of better academic exchange in applied mathematics and mechanics, Mr. CHIEN founded Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in 1980. He contributed a lot to the development of the Journal. He himself put forth the scope of publication for the Journal and selected the first Editorial Board of about 60 members, most of them were then young lecturers or associate professors and eight were selected as academicians of CAS later. He, even at the age of 90, personally reviewed each paper. In his last days, he had the Editorial Board organize some 50 scientific lectures on applied mathematics and mechanics, altogether attracting an audience of over 20,000 people, which greatly stimulated the development of related disciplines in China and helped promote the Journal influence.

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